Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Audiobook review: Lady in Waiting by Devi Ansevi

I love audio books, well I love good audio books and this week I'll be sharing my thoughts on a terrific one: Lady in Waiting: A Tale of Victorian Erotica, Stuffed Bottoms and Sound Spankings written by Devi Ansevi and narrated by Rose Lachlan.

Shaun's rating:

 This story is set in the Victorian era. Charlotte is Lady Emma's lady maid and has been for a short time after having to leave her last employment under dubious circumstances. Lord Darcy has come courting Lady Emma with matrimonial hopes, but he is not above taking advantage of his station and using Charlotte for his pleasure. When Charlotte learns that Lady Emma has accepted Lord Darcy's proposal she hatches a plan to deter the Lord's advances. As Charlotte puts her plan to action she is caught in the act by Lady Emma and must tell her the truth of what Lord Darcy has been up to. Things just get better, and hotter, from there.

 Wow, did I love this story. The writing is first rate and the narration is fabulous. The whole story (and it was a real story with an actual plot; a beginning, middle, and end) just oozed sexy hotness and there was a bit of humor thrown in that made it a really fun book to listen, one I'm sure I'll listen to many more times.

I loved the characters, they're well developed, likable, and fun. The scenes are well set inviting the reader to a front row seat for all the delectable activities.

 I'm giving Lady in Waiting five out of five paddles. It's fun, it's sexy, and I highly recommend it.

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